Note: Raw Cream has a very distinct flavor and it is very very thick. It takes on a little of the flavor of the grass the cows eat...some describe it as a "green" taste and some even say it tastes sour to them. For some people this is GREAT and just what they are looking for. For others, it is not to their liking. Please know that we are UNABLE to give refunds for heavy cream because you do not like the flavor or the consistency. That's just how it tastes :)
It comes fresh from well-treated, grass-fed cows just north of Denton in Gainsville, TX. The family-owned and operated dairy milks twice a day 365 days a year! You cannot get milk that is any healthier than this raw cows milk. It is Grade A certified (permit #483209) and are all natural and unpasteurized the way nature intended it to be. The milk products we bottle are better tasting, more wholesome and provide optimum nutrition for you and your family.
Local, Raw, grass fed/pastured cow’s milk – 2 WEEK SHELF LIFE (or more) - keep me really cold and I'll last longer.